When we SEE AND lead with CURIOSITY
What’s important? To me, as a leader? To my stakeholders, to my colleagues? To my community? Sometimes we “know” and sometimes we’re in “don’t know what we don’t know”. The fish doesn’t know he’s in water…
Stepping back into inquiry is a powerful place to begin creating a future. Where do I want us to go, and more importantly, why? What will be different in this new future? What will be the impact? On whom? What will be lost? These are important questions, deserving of reflection and many perspectives. They also require organized scrutiny.
Most change efforts fail because of human beings: resistance, fear, “what’s in it for me?”, habit, anger…and we need to look first within ourselves for those very responses. Then, we can look at the environment into which we will launch our vision, considering the multitude of reactions.
We can look for support, we can identify naysayers and “seek to understand” (Covey) the why of the no.
We can plan, we can communicate, we can verify, we can tweak, we can recognize: these are vital and programmable actions which will enable us to leverage our teams and to move into the future.
People can speak the “truth” and feel heard.
They know they - and their input - are valued.
They can contribute and make a difference.